cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hello, I hope everyone is well and enjoying their stamps.

Just one to show tonight as I like this high value Machin issue from the 1977+ issue. SG 1026e  which was actually issued as an additional value,to the original set, in 1986.

Apart from hoping you will enjoy seeing it I would like to promote this and others from the issue.   I reached 4000 listings in my new Online Store today - my Hipstamp store for cddstamps.  this is the URL to go direct to the store  or just click here   cddstamps Hipstamp Store

This new cddstamps store only stocks Great Britain so if you have a few gaps in your collection please  have a look. More stock will be loaded over the coming days and weeks.

have a great day.. Michael

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hello and welcome to the blog. I do hope you enjoy seeing this stamp above, A nice Mint block of 4.

SG 619 from the 1960 Tercentenary of Establishment of General Letter Office issue.  Nothing too spectacular about it, although it is a nice design I think, but sadly it does not have the flaw shown below.

The reason I am showing it is to remind readers  how worthwhile it could be to have a good catalogue so you know that a flaw like this exists and can check for it.

I am currently sorting lots of old stock - and listing them in my NEW ONLINE STORE - yes this is the announcement of the Store - only stamps of  Great Britain are being listed -  and while the flaw variety will not be listed, nearly 4000 other GB stamps will be - I expect to hit the 4000 mark by the end of the month, as I write I am at 3700.

Have a look and enjoy the selection, the prices revised to reflect the low GB  / USA exchange, and a lower postal rate to entice sales.

My new Store just for Great Britain is at Hipstamp.    I am cddstamps there and you can find me from this  direct link  I will be listing more as the weeks go by and if you cannot find what you want, then either visit the Bidstart Store or email me at

Have a great philatelic weekend ... Enjoy your stamps... Michael

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Hello,  I hope you enjoy seeing these. Hard to tell the difference from the scans because the difference is in the perforations.
The 1989 Sports Issue had some interesting variations which I have been listing in my Bidstart Store this past week. There were some stamps issued with both perf 14  x 14½  and perf 13½   with the variety perf catalogued at a much high price.
The above left is SG 1186 issued as perf 13½  with a catalogue value of 70p while the right hand stamp is SG 1186a perf 14 x 14 ½ and has a catalogue value of 3.25. Have you got both copies in your collection? For all perforation varieties -  8 of the 19 stamps in the issue were issued with both perforation sizes. If not please have a look at my Bidstart store here  or copy this link and perhaps you will be able to fill a few gaps, especially the perhaps harder to get perforation differences for the issue. Just type the SG number into the “search store for”
For those browsing the lots you might notice I had a mental block when listing the stamps – they are all listed as Australia Day – not Sports. Don’t ask me why I had that in the listing title, senility maybe :-)  
Enjoy your stamps

Best wishes… Michael

Friday, August 12, 2016

Hello, I got my first mail delivery here in the Philippines today. The sender had kindly used some of the lovely new Beatrix Potter stamps. Sadly the stamps got damaged on the parcel.   Could have ruined my day but hey! such is life.

They are not really useful as spacefillers, are they?  but if anyone wants them they are free to first email with your mailing address. email me at

 Enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Hello, I do hope everyone is having a great philatelic weekend. I am. It has been raining most of the past two days so that means I have no excuse to go outside and do other things, like sun bathing and swimming J

First my congratulations to Vera from Queensland  Australia who sent the first correct answer to last weeks competition. It must have been a harder question than I realized as I did get incorrect answers, and not many others.  The 4 stamps will be mailed to you Vera on Monday.

Keeping with my Australia theme, but trying to make it topical – ie the Olympics -  I hope you like the above. Another chance to test your knowledge, although this is really easy if you think about it.
At least in those days there were usually just the 4 stamps per issue.   Fortunately I stopped collecting new issues many years ago. Actually right after the 2000 Sydney Olympics.  I still have all those winner sheets somewhere, same as millions of other collectors. What a waste of money! J

Anyway, less of my ramblings.  Name the year and the city for each of the Olympic games stamps shown. Email answers please  to, with mailing address please. I do not keep addresses.
I will select the 5th correct email and I will mail these stamps to you.

Enjoy your philatelic weekend.     Michael     ………where you will find nearly 2000 Australia stamps for sale – here -  to help you fill some gaps in your collection at affordable prices and with nice quality.  May start listing some more now I think about it 

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